Sunday, January 2, 2011

Holida Break and New Year renewal...

So with the holidays I had taken a break from hard core calorie counting. I mean really why stress how much i eat at Thanksgiving dinner or trying to find a decent healthy meal while on the road to the family's house. Seriously I couldn't stress it so basically from Thanksgiving till today I haven't been calorie counting and you know what I didn't blow up like a balloon. Now mind you I wasn't pigging out or going crazy I just wasn't stressing and penny pinching my calories like I normally do to lose weight. Now that the holidays have passed and travel has gone back to normal it's time to go back to my loss program, but what this time has shown me is I can have a normal life after I lose the weight I want to lose I can eat like a normal healthy person and never have to go back to what I am now. I am making a solid change. I feel it now, I believe it now, and I can't wait to be healthy.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Down 2 ...

Well down 20 pounds and 2 pant sizes ... but man my body has been fighting back with a vengeance. I have been so hungry the last few days. Normally the food I take in I am totally fine on, but not the last few days my stomach has been roaring like a lion. I been doing my best to stay under calories, and drink more to fill my belly but boy it hasn't been easy. I know it is likely a normal response from my body going, "Hey you are losing fat fast, we need that stuff. Eat More!" It will get over it. I just need to stick to it. Saving my cheat day this week for Thanksgiving. I hope to get back to exercising soon too. I had hurt my knee a few weeks back and it is just now starting to feel normal again. So that may help too. I will not let the fat consume me! Have a Happy Holiday!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Working my butt off...

So I seem to be working my butt off, both literally and figuratively. Literally I am down 20 pounds and still moving. Figuratively, I have work 40 hours a week, two kids under 5 to take care of and a part time student so fit in time to study, take tests, do homework etc. Factor in time to take care of the home or myself and man where does all the time go. I just been feeling stressed lately about all the crap I need to get in line. Why did I wait till my late 20's, early 30's to get my life in order... really I feel like I am always playing catch up. Well back to work... thanks for reading...


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Plateau number two ...

stuck in the mud again, but finally today 0.2 pounds down. It isn't much but at least it is something. I was actually a bit surprised to be down. I ate bad yesterday but we did go out walking around the Army heritage course and Gettysburg, PA for a few hours. Maybe that was all I needed was a little walk. My knees been bugging me so it has been hard to walk lately but doing what I can. As long as I keep moving down, even 0.2 pounds at a time, it all adds up in the end.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

mini goals

So I am a pound away from my mini-goal-1... 20 pounds ... Hopefully in the next few days I'll hit it. It be nice to reach a mini goal. I can really start to see a change in my face and legs mostly. I mean don't get me wrong I am still way fatter then I need to be but it's nice to see a visual change. I twisted my knee the other day and I have been having to take it easy and stay off of it. With as big as I am I am surprised I haven't had more issues with my knees really. I just really need to get back in shape ... for me...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

When you get sick ...

So I have kids, and kids we;; they are like germ warfare in your own home... so Nicholas comes home from Gymnastics and wee... the entire family gets a cold the next day... funny how that works. I have to say when I was sick I really could care less about how I was eating. My calorie counting went out the window for those few days, but glad to say i didn't go crazy either I just didn't It's hard for holidays, special days, etc to eat well. I had a Birthday part to go to a state away last weekend and I still only went over by a hundred calories or so. Here is how I look at it. As long as I am eating well most of the time the few days I am not feeling well, or have special days like Birthday parties or Holiday meals aren't going to drastically impact my success. Life is about balance so if you are feeling like you are going to tip over give yourself a break and balance out.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Okay does anyone else have trouble drinking enough fluids... if I was left to my own devices I would likely drink 16, maybe 32 oz in a day, at best. I just don't get that thirsty. So I find it a real struggle at times to drink my eight 8oz glasses. What I been doing is making 2, 33.8oz bottles of sugar free lemon-aid and drinking that. It really is a struggle. So why do I need that much liquid if I am not thirty at all. I do feel better and tend to eat less when I drink more so that is helpful. I just don't know why I hate drinking so